Monday, August 18, 2014

A dream of Stephen Hawking

I dreamt I was at school or college, and I was walking away from the campus. I saw Stephen Hawking, the scientist who is in a wheelchair and speaks through a computer.

I said, “Good day,” which is the greeting I always use at my Renaissance Fair gig.

Stephen Hawking was in the process of de-materializing in a science fiction sort of way. Like a Star Trek transporter, but more magical looking. He comes back and says, “What did you say?”

“Good day. I just mean, ‘Hello.’ Hello.”

He then starts speaking in French in his computer voice and wants me to repeat the words.

“Brioche... Répéter.”

Then abruptly, Stephen Hawking in English said, “Most people are aware of the where, but then get sketchy in the details.”

Then the alarm clock on my nightstand blared it’s annoying beeping, and it was time for Monday.

This morning, I’m mulling that phrase over in my head. I can’t decide if this is really a deep statement, or some kind of useless platitude that sounds like something profound, but really isn’t.

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