Friday, October 7, 2011

She just needs a makeover.

I was intrigued by this sordid story of a young lady who is apparently so addicted to a ubiquitous product, that she broke into and robbed her neighbor's house so she could buy more. I thought what she was looking for was free. I've researched it a few times on the internet and was never asked to pay. I often get emails in my Spam folder encouraging me to indulge in this particular product. 

Many of the comments on The Smoking Gun were about her skin problems. I'm not sure if this acne, or an addiction to meth. Either way, this poor, confused girl is actually pretty.

With just a minimum of a few Photoshop tricks, I was able to reveal her beauty.

My expertise is in automotive advertising. Imagine what an artist from Vogue could really do.

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