Monday, August 15, 2011


I've found a new source for pre-owned costumes. These costumes are old, from an theatre in England, and were created in Pre-High Fructose Corn Syrup days, so if I purchase one, I 'll have to lose a few inches off my waistline. I guess that's okay.

My wife says she's keen to start constructing costumes, as my recent public magic performances doesn't look like a fluke, and I'll be doing this for some time now. Constructing a costume, as opposed to buying a moldering one from a theatre company, has its advantages, namely that it will be cheaper. I'm a little hesitant, as Chris seems to hate the process of sewing, and when she does, she offers a steady stream of expletives to anyone who will listen.

For my part, I see no reason that I can't learn to sew. A sewing machine is a complicated machine, full of arcane subjects like thread and bobbin tension, but I'm reasonably intelligent – I think – and should be able to learn its secrets.

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