Tuesday, December 6, 2011

I Want A Bus

Every couple of years, I get it in my head to buy an old school bus, paint it psychedelic like the Patridge Family*, populate it with my scruffy friends, and drive all over discovering America à la Ken Kesey.

There are a couple of problems with this idea, besides that this isn't 1968, and we all have jobs.

My major hindrance is that I'm going to be doing a lot of home renovations next year. My extra income is going to go to that venture. Buying a school bus – and I've looked into this, you can get 'em relatively cheap – is still a silly expense in my Middle Class, Middle Aged, suburban life.

Unlike a boat, which can be parked in a marina or your garage if you have room, a school bus sits out front like heavy lumpen matter. If the Partridge Family or the Merry Pranksters had a dreaded Home Owner's Association, they probably would have gotten an angry letter. My driveway near my garage just isn't big enough. I always see old people in RVs, going down the highway. I really have no idea where they store the things.

* Actually, their bus artwork was more Mondrian inspired.

"Further" the bus of the Merry Pranksters.